After many years of education in Fine Arts at the “Terre et Feu” art school in Paris, I decided to immerse myself in the world of ceramics by spending a year as an apprentice in the studio of ceramists Caroline Alves and Ulrike Weiss. In June of 2016, I started working in a studio in Romainville (outskirts of Paris). This is where I practice and develop my own style. I realized how much I enjoyed the ceramic coil technique. This technique allows me to keep control of the forms and gives me a real freedom in the creation process. My preferred choice of clay is sandstone because of its rusticity.

I mainly create non-utilitarian containers that I consider as sculptures. I make very small series of which each piece differs from one another. Depending on which clay I use, I then decide or not to use glaze. My palette is quite basic, using only : black, white, green/blue and lately an earthy red.

My inspiration comes from the magical volcanic landscape of Auvergne in the centre of France where I live part of the year. I try to convey in my work the force, the beauty, the soft lines and harmony of this magnificent volcanic landscape.